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first-angle projection中文是什么意思

用"first-angle projection"造句"first-angle projection"怎么读"first-angle projection" in a sentence


  • 第一角投影
  • 第一象限投影法
  • 首角投影法


  • In china , the first - angle projection is adopted preferencially following related national standards
  • From the practical view , this paper summarizes the theory of orthogonal projection based on the first - angle projection , the ways of manual reading drawings and discusses the problems relevant . the mechanism similar with csg is used to reconstruct 3d object with priority to csg and aid by b - rep
    本文从实用的角度出发,总结了正投影工程图中的投影理论基础、人工读图方法以及注意的相关问题,采用了以csg方法为主, b ? rep方法为辅,类似于csg建模的机制来实现二维视图的三维重建过程。
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